1989 – 1995: studied architecture at the Moscow Architechtural Institute, Russia
1995: diploma in architecture, architectural price of the Russian Federation
since 1998: lives and works in Berlin, Germany
solo exhibitions (selection):
„Future Structures“, janinebeangallery, Berlin
„Landscapes of Tomorrow“, Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts, Bishkek, Kyrgystan
„Reinventing Utopia“, janinebeangallery, Berlin
„Kein Gestern, kein Heute“, Kunstverein Frankenthal, Frankenthal, Germany
„Hide & Seek“, janinebeangallery, Berlin
„Error Codes“, Galerie Börgmann, Mönchengladbach, Germany
„Past Forward“, janinebeangallery, Berlin
„Searching For Memories“, Gallery Dengler & Dengler, Stuttgart, Germany
„Pool Time“, janinebeangallery, Berlin
„Flashback“, Galerie Brennecke, Düsseldorf, Germany
„Flashback“, Galerie PopArtPirat, Hamburg, Germany
„Die Liga der außergewöhnlichen Ladies“, gallery Wagner + Marks, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
group exhibitions (selection)
„BETWIXT“ , curated by Amir Fattal, O54 at Tacheles, Berlin
„Art from Elsewhere“ , MOMENTUM Berlin , Kulturforum Ansbach
“Berlin Contemporary Art in Romania”, Centrul de interes, Cluj, Rumänien
„High on Paper“, janinebeangallery , Berlin
POINTS OF RESISTANCE, curated by Constanze Kleiner, Rachel Rits-Volloch
in cooperation with David Elliott, Jan Kage, Stephan von Wiese, Zionskirche, Berlin
„Beyond Elysium“, Kleiner von Wiese, Berlin
„Art is a Remedy“, janinebeangallery, Berlin
„Ulugh Beg: Intrinsic Futuristic Machine of Central Asia“, installation by Almagul Menlibayeva in
cooperation with Inna Artemova and German Popov as part of the Lahore Biennale 02 , „between the sun
and the moon“, curated by Hoor Al-Qasimi, Lahore, Pakistan
„Bonum et Malum“, Kleiner von Wiese, curated by Dorothée Bauerle-Willert, Constanze Kleiner, Rachel Rits- Volloch, Stephan von Wiese, Villa Erxleben, Berlin, Germany
„Planet Art“, curated by Marianne Kapfer, Kühlhaus, Berlin, Germany
„Preparing For Darkness, Vol. 3: I’m Not There“, Kühlhaus, Berlin, Germany
„Utopia x Ooze“, Galerie Charisschwarz, Berlin, Germany
„Another World“, Frieze London, UK, Women Artists of the Deutsche Bank Collection, curated by Tracy
Biennale Worpswede, Worpswede, Germany
„WonderWomenArtb!tch“, Bar Babette, Berlin
„Preparing For Darkness Volume 2: Breaking God’s Heart“, Kühlhaus, Berlin
„Für Babette“, hosted by Berlin Art Link, Schlachthaus. fresh&fine art and Momentum Worldwide, artists:
Inna Artemova, Bjørn Melhus, Andi Olsen, Jesus Pastor, Varvara Shavrova, Ming Wong, at Babette, Berlin
„Preparing for Darkness“, curated by Marianne Kapfer, Kühlhaus, Berlin
„Imágines inimaginables“, curated by Marianne Kapfer, Kunstverein Wasserschloss Bad Rappenau, Germany
„Fad & Fury“, janinebeangallery, Berlin
„Akku“, paintings of the Paschertz Collection, Museum Heylshof, Worms, Germany
„The First Fundamental Structure of Area 7“, Galerie Börgmann, Mönchengladbach, Germany
„Summer Selection III“, Art von Frei Gallery, Berlin
„Fo You“, Marienburg, Berlin
Berlinische Galerie, Museum for Contemporary Art, Berlin
Berlinische Galerie, Museum for Contemporary Art, Berlin
MIANKI gallery, Berlin
„Zündung“, Inna Artemova, Alexander Baumgartner, Jan Muche, Manfred Peckl, Max Schulze, Galerie Börgmann, Mönchengladbach, Germany
„Hidden Treasures“, I AMsterdam YOU BErlin | Contemporary art from Amsterdam and Berlin, St. Johannes Evangelist-Kirche (church), Berlin
„Macrocosmi – Ordnungen anderer Art“, curated by Martina Cavallarin, Bologna, Italy
„Fo You – Voluntary Art Liaison“, Marienburg, Berlin
„Welten träumen“, curated by Valeria Waibel, Collection Alison and Peter W. Klein, Museum KUNSTWERK, Eberdingen-Nussdorf, Germany
„Artgeschoss“, curated by Dmitrij Schurbin, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
„Wurzeln weit mehr Aufmerksamkeit widmen“, Kunstverein Familie Montez, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
„Konstruktives Widersprechen“,curated by Valeria Waibel, Collection Alison and Peter W. Klein, Museum KUNSTWERK, Eberdingen-Nussdorf, Germany
Galerie Liebau , Burghaun/Fulda, Germany
„Wurzeln weit mehr Aufmerksamkeit widmen“, Art Foundation Family Montez, Leipzig, Germany
4th Benefit-Art-Auction of the Crisis Line, Berlinische Galerie, Berlin
„Der historistische Blick. 200 Jahre Fortschritt“, 35th art prize of the art foundation of the Sparkasse Karlsruhe, Germany
„Auf der ewigen Reise – Russischsprachige Kunst aus Deutschland“, curated by Marina Sailer, e-on, Düsseldorf, Germany
„always live twice“, Martin Mertens gallery, Berlin, artists: Sonja Alhäuser, Inna Artemova, Sven Drühl, Karsten Konrad, Katja Pfeiffer, Miriam Vlaming
„Romantic Sensibilities“, tiefimBlut-Kunstkontor gallery, Berlin, artists: Inna Artemova, Ksenia Astrakhantseva, Joanne Grüne-Yanoff, Melanie Gebker, Marianne Eggimann, Yulia Kazakova, Natalia Medebach & Bernadette Rottler
„Grenzenlos. Vielfältig. Eins“, gallery Berlin Art Projects, Berlin, artists: Helen Acosta Iglesias, Florencia Almirón, Inna Artemova, Cristina Barroso, Tinka Bechert, Ergül Cengiz, Corinne Chambard, Caprice Crawford, Ines Doleschal, Maria Hinze, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Resi Girardello, Magda Korsinsky, Gisela Krohn, Hanna Kuom, Andrea Lein, Lisha, Katja Loher, Lydia Oermann, Temitayo Ogunbiyi, Megan Olson, Karen Oostenbrink, Bianca Patricia, Yasam Sasmazer, Cristina Schiavi, Martina Schumacher, Lisa C. Soto, Lillian Thal, Ingerlise Vikne IV, Claudia V. Vitari, Steffi Weigel, Meike Zopf
1st Mecklenburg Vorpommern Biennale, Klein Zetelvitz, Germany
„Ostrale“, Dresden, Germany
„Die starken Helden“, gallery Artpa, Leipzig, Germany
„Born in the U.S.S.R – Russische Kunst aus Deutschland“, Berlin
Galerie Noack, Mönchengladbach, Germany
art fairs
ART Karlsruhe, Germany, featured by Galerie Lauth
ART Karlsruhe, Germany, featured by Galerie Lauth
SCOPE Miami Beach, USA, featured by janinebeangallery
Art Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, featured by janinebeangallery
SCOPE art fair, Basel, Switzerland, featured by janinebeangallery
Preview Art Fair, Berlin
Art Karlsruhe, Germany, featured by Galerie Lauth (one-artist-show)
Art Karlsruhe, Germany, featured by Galerie Brennecke (one-artist-show) and Galerie Lauth
Bloom, Cologne, Germany, featured by colourblind Gallery (one-artist-show)
Nord Art, Kunstwerk Carlshütte, Copenhagen, Denmark
Art Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, featured by Galerie Lauth and Galerie Brennecke
7th Berliner Kunstsalon, Berlin (one-artist-show)
Art Fair Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, featured by colourblindGallery
Art Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, featured by Galerie Lauth
6th Berliner Kunstsalon, Berlin
Tease Art Fair, Cologne, Germany (one-artist-show)
Art Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, featured by Galerie Lauth
5th Berliner Kunstsalon, Berlin (one-artist-show)
Tease Art Fair, Cologne, Germany
Art Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, featured by Galerie Lauth (one-artist-show)
Kunst Zurich 07, Zurich, Switzerland, featured by Galerie Noack
4th Berliner Kunstsalon, Berlin
Liste Köln, Cologne, Germany, featured by Galerie Noack
Works of the artist are represented in international collections public and private.